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  • Writer's pictureOmaha Leaders

A Letter from the Board: June 4, 2020

Omaha Leaders was birthed out of a deep love for our city and a passion for Christ-centered leadership. The members of our team seek to live out the Gospel in courageous, humble, grace-filled, and loving ways, and we recognize that now, more than ever, such influence will have transformational impact in our community and beyond.

As we’ve faced the intense challenges of the COVID-19 crisis and extreme racial tension in moving toward a more equitable America, we believe the tangible expressions of our values can foster the most significant and needed changes in our community and world.

Members of the Omaha Leaders team, like so many of you, have experienced grief, anger, sadness, and hurt over the recent tragedies experienced in our city. We lament with you, we ask for forgiveness with you, we’re on our knees before God with you.

We stand WITH you and FOR you.

Our spirit of unity with Christ, self, and others anchors and binds us amidst our diversity, and will also serve as our force-multiplier in fostering needed change. Realizing that our city is one body with many parts, we will continue to seek transformation together.

Our chosen leadership posture remains one of humility, service, and intentional listening--for the good of ALL in our city. We’re devoted to playing a significant role in being a part of necessary solutions and to providing wise and strong leadership that is constant, compassionate and collaborative.

In addition to supporting our city and its leaders with open minds, eyes, ears and hearts as we work together toward positive change, Omaha Leaders is renewing our dedication to our vision of building a world-class leadership community that creates impact and ignites sustainable transformation.

The Board of Directors

Omaha Leaders

To connect with the Board of Directors, please visit


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