Omaha Leaders is preparing to host its third annual Mastermind Groups! Get connected, get involved, and grow with us!
One week from today, we'll launch Omaha Leaders' third annual Mastermind Groups. Two years ago when we put this into place we had no idea if it would "work" or if anyone would even be interested in what we were offering--a unique opportunity to join fellow marketplace leaders in growing together in Christ to ultimately have more impact on our city.

We hoped, we prayed, we prepared and we stepped out in faith to get it launched in a very short period of time. God blessed us with 50 city leaders who showed up at 7:30 A.M. each Tuesday morning, ready to learn and dig deep together.
I’ll never forget how we had to trek through the hallways of Lifegate's construction project to gather in the school cafeteria at kids' lunch tables. Definitely not fancy, but purposeful, nonetheless!
Our core team designed and printed process materials and packets, picked up coffee at 6:30 A.M., and arrived in the dark to meet and greet with smiles and warm welcomes. We began building a small but devoted tribe.
At that point, we were still trying to figure out who "we" were--we were a group of having regular dialogue about who we could become in the city, but without anything formal to back us up--just inspired hearts committed to seeing leaders in our city grow in unified Christ-centered leadership.
Little did we know that those Mastermind Groups in 2018 were our first "real" initiative, and the one which positioned us to become today’s Omaha Leaders.
I share this all with you because it's so important that we never forget our beginnings.
I also share because the success of that launch was due to the extensive involvement of our core team. Each member diligently plugged into key initiatives to be the "glue" of the organization and the "familiar faces" that helped people feel our continuity, consistency and commitment.
This year, we know things are different. We're coming off of a GLS where we weren't all together in big groups. We're doing digital MMG's instead of face-to-face groups. We, like every other intentional organization, are fighting to keep the spirit of community alive, keep the people of our city connected, and pave the way for citywide unity.
In the midst of so much adversity, division and sheer chaos in our world, I'm convinced that God isn't positioning us for our convenience or for our personal gain. He's positioning us with influence to serve as some of His "glue."
When it appears everything is unraveling at the seams, our city needs us--present, prepared and positioned to listen, to serve, to create a safe space for leaders to come together and process great GLS messages.
I believe the conversations this year will be filled with healing, restoration, partnerships, power, and purpose. Mastermind Groups "tee up" everything else we do during the year, and we would sure love to have you with us!
Two things I ask of you:
If you've not yet registered for Masterminds and can find the margin in your schedules to be with us, please register at:
Share the Mastermind Groups invitation with your network. To share simply on Facebook, click here to visit our event page.
I look forward to learning from you and growing with you during Mastermind Groups this year.
Yours in leadership,
Amie Gamboian
Board Chair, Omaha Leaders
